Gather 'Round the Table with These Family-Inspired Recipes
Growing up, the garden was always the heart of our yard, and it’s a tradition I carry on today. These three recipes – Green Beans with Bacon, Beer Can Chicken, and Decorated Sugar Cookies – are a nod to my family’s love for home-cooked meals and spending time together.
This dish is straight from my grandma’s garden, passed down through the generations. There’s nothing quite like fresh green beans sautéed with bacon and onions. If you don’t have garden-fresh beans, no worries! Fresh green beans from the store work just as well, and if you’re in a pinch, organic frozen green beans are a great alternative. (Pro tip: frozen beans have already been blanched, so you can skip straight to the sauté.) What I like about this dish is the bacon adds a smoky richness, and I love using sweet yellow onions for a balanced sweetness. Just be sure not to overcook those beans – blanch in boiling water for 2-3 mins and then shock them in ice water to maintain their vibrant color. Then sauté in olive oil and a little bit of the bacon fat for a crisp, yet tender green bean. Get the full Green Beans with Bacon recipe here!
The first time I made beer can chicken, I was intimidated by cooking a whole bird, but trust me, it’s easier than it looks. Grab a can of your favorite beer (yes, one you enjoy drinking) and stuff it with rosemary and thyme. Pop the chicken over the can, throw it on the grill, and let the magic happen. The beer and herbs keep the meat juicy and flavorful while the grill crisps the skin to perfection. This is a weekend recipe, no shortcuts allowed, but totally worth it! It's also a great party hat trick if you're looking for a way to entertain your guest with the magic of balancing a whole chicken on a beer can! If you’re feeling adventurous, toss some veggies underneath the chicken to soak up the flavorful juices – they’ll taste amazing. Just note that if you go this route on the grill, you will need a pan under the chicken to place the veggies in so the drippings can collect! Get the full recipe for my Beer Can Chicken here.
Decorated Sugar Cookies Recipe & Tutorial
No dinner is complete without a little dessert, and sugar cookies are a fun way to end the night. I like to keep things casual, so this time we’re decorating ice cream cone-shaped cookies. Royal icing is one of my go-to's for decorating – it’s easy to work with and looks beautiful once it dries. My little hack for always having sugar cookies on hand? I bake a ton in advance and freeze the different shapes by theme. When I need them, I just pull out a set, and boom – instant cookie decorating fun! Great for kids (or anyone needing a creative outlet). Get my No-Spread Sugar Cookie recipe here.
Dinner Tips: Mix and Match
These recipes are great together, but they’re also flexible. Pair the green beans with another protein or use the beer can chicken in salads or sandwiches later in the week. The cookies? They’re perfect for decorating with kids during a chill weekend afternoon.
Try these recipes, watch my step-by-step videos, and make your next meal extra special. If you love this menu, be sure to subscribe to my site ((scroll to bottom of the page and fill out the "Stay Connected" section) for more ideas or sign up for one of my upcoming cooking, baking, cake, or cookie decorating classes!
#WhatsForDinner #FamilyRecipes #HomeCooking #GrillingSeason #BaconLovers #EasyDinner #WeekendMeals #ChickenRecipes #CookieDecorating #SugarCookies