Free Video: Semi-homemade Pound Cake Dessert
How to make a summer dessert featuring pound cake!
What you are creating:
Pound cake is a summer staple and we are going to show you how to use it two ways in a dessert sure to delight!
1 loaf pound cake
Heavy cream
Vanilla Bean Paste (LorAnn Vanilla Bean Paste)
Whip It
Fresh strawberries
Fresh mint
Callebaut White Crispearls
Cut pound cake into chunks.
Cut up fresh strawberries.
Julienne fresh mint so that you have thin strips for layering.
Whip the heavy cream with Whip It packet based on the number of cups you are whipping up. The number of desserts you are creating will determine how much cream and Whip It stabilizer you will need.
To assemble, simply layer in a clear bowl. Start with a layer of pound cake, then whip cream, then strawberries, mint and Crispearls. Repeat until dessert dish is full. Garnish with sliced strawberries and fresh mint leaves. Enjoy!
Makes 6-8 dessert cups.
Add any type of fresh fruit that's in season.
You can also try different types of pound cake. A lemon pound cake would go wonderfully with the strawberries and fresh mint.